"Lessons For a Truly Timeless Room" features Workman's Friend (Podcast)

In addition to being included in Kelly of My Soulful Home's "Ten Lessons to be a Better Gardener", Kelly also mentioned Workman's Friend during Episode 350 "Lessons For A Truly Timeless Room" of the Decorating Tips and Tricks podcast.



We all want a timeless look that will look fantastic for a long time, so today let's talk about what you can do to create a look that transcends time.

One of the best tips is to avoid trends that can date your home. If something is super hot and super popular today, it probably won't stand the test of time.

We suggest you hone your very own signature style that you love. Then you buy things that are you, rather than things that are 'on trend'. This is change in mindset that helps keep your style more classic and less trendy.

Listen in for many more tips for a timeless look.

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