Are you thinking of building a bunkbed for your son? Or have you been stalling on reframing the front door? Carpentry is the art of working with wood. Cutting, sawing and nailing all things wood. But for many amateur carpenters a typical two-hour job often takes much longer. Why? The answers vary. At Workman’s Friend we have a love of carpentry. In fact we love almost anything that involves working with our hands. One of the reasons we enjoy this type of work so much is because we’ve learned a few tricks of the trade along the way. Now it’s our turn to pass this knowledge on to you. Unfortunately, these tips won’t make up for all that time you spent fixing one of your mistakes. What it will do is make your next job go a lot faster.
Read More: Barrier Skin Cream Perfect for Capenters
Write it down
How many times have you taken and retaken measurements? No, it’s not the measurement tape’s fault you can’t remember the width and length. However, this quick trip can help with recall. Next time, before you go to measure, stick masking tape to the side of your measuring tape. With each measurement jot down the numbers on the side, this simple trick will help you from forgetting the length on the way to the saw.
Use your toenail
The toenail trick is especially important when framing. Instead of relentlessly hammering a nail into a stud to get into position, try this. Take a large nail and drive it into the stud at an angle. This approach harnesses the power of the toenail and moves the stud into position often with only two blows. The time it takes you to frame is cut in half.
Pencil over tape
Have you ever measured a baseboard and cut it, only to learn it is too short? The solution is to put away your measuring tape and use your pencil instead. Hold your trim or whatever piece of wood you are trying to calculate in place. Then mark it using your pencil. This approach is not only faster but it eliminates mistakes. It is also a useful trick when installing siding, laying shingles and framing.
Buy a gun
No not a handgun, buy a trim gun. Using a hammer and nails to install trim is a thing of the past. Air-powered guns complete the job so much faster and more effectively. There is no need for splits, re-drilling and you avoid knocking the piece of wood out of position as you hammer. A trim gun that shoots 5/8-2-inch 18 gauge brads is the most versatile air-powered gun to own.
Hammer it out
A multi-purpose hammer is as essential to a carpenter as a stethoscope is to a doctor. No matter what type of carpentry you are doing, whether it is finish work or rough construction, a smooth-faced, 20-ounce, straight-claw hammer will make any job easier. The hammer’s claw can be driven under walls for lifting, or can be used for crude chiseling. Yet most importantly the hammer it can drive almost any nail and its claw is the perfect shape for pulling nails as opposed to the curved-claw version.
Thanks to the tips and tricks mentioned above your weekend project should go a smoother and probably more quickly too. Keep in mind, your goal is not to finish installing the trim in your living faster than your neighbor. This isn’t a race or a competition. Instead your goal is to enjoy the process and complete your task successfully. Now go put on your tool belt!
Are your hands dry and cracked from working all day? What if there was a way to protect your skin and keep it moisturized even during frequent hand washings? Well, you can! Coat your hands with Workman’s Friend Barrier Skin Cream to form a protective layer around your skin and re-apply every four hours. The barrier protection will moisturize your hands from beneath the protective layer. The barrier protection will shield you hand from harmful chemicals, dirt and grime. The barrier protection binds to your live skins cells and will only be removed when your skin cells die and shed every four hours. In the meantime, your skin is moisturizing from the inside and healing your dry and cracked skin. Workman’s Friend Barrier Skin Cream is the perfect combatant for over-washed hands. PURCHASE HERE.
Another option for over dry hands is Workman’s Friend Healing Hand Cream. Add this hand cream to your daily regimen for healthy, stored hands. An application in the morning and again before bedtime will help your skin survive those frequent hand washings unscathed. Workman’s Friend Healing Hand Cream will moisturize and heal your dry, cracked, and damaged skin. When used over time, your skin will return to its once healthy appearance. PURCHASE HERE.
Sometimes you just need a hand cleaner that revitalizes your skin. Try Workman’s Friend Hand Cleaner with Activated Charcoal to get a deep clean and feel fresh afterwards. The activated charcoal cleans deep into your skin, detoxing away the bad elements that hard-working hands pick up on an active day. Unlike other hand cleaners, Workman’s Friend Hand Cleaner with Activated Charcoal hydrates your skin as it cleans, leaving them feeling alive and fresh while other hand cleaners leave your hands feeling dry. PURCHASE HERE.