Workman’s Friend Barrier Skin Cream is the friend who has you covered. Saying this, we also want to make sure you are covering yourself safely. During this pandemic, masks are an essential need for our health. There are so many mask options to chose from. Which mask is my best option? Here is a list of options beginning with the best.
1. N95 MASKS
These are the top graded masks that health professionals use. These masks should be reserved for all the essential workers battling this pandemic on the front lines, such as doctors, nurses, etc.
2. Multi-layer Cloth Masks
Masks doubling a cotton cloth for two layers of protection is the next best option for normal, everyday lives. Always be sure this mask is covering your face completely. Check the straps and make sure it is never loose.
3. Paper Cone Masks
The thick layer of protection offers a great filtering system for the user. The downside is that these cannot be washed and re-used.
4. Bandanas
These are so loose across the chin. Bandanas allow too much direct airflow to enter you breathing zone. These masks may look cool, but they do not offer proper protection. In a pinch, they are better than nothing.
5. Ventilated Contractor Masks
These masks are not good as they allow in too much unfiltered air. They make it very easy to breath, but that is because these masks are not offering any layer of protection.
The biggest tip we can give you is to make sure your mask fits tightly around your face. Be sure there are no gaps around your nose bridge. Also, look into a mirror and check to see that the mask is centered properly on your face.
Remember, even with a mask on, you still must maintain a six-foot distance from others. The mask is just a layer of protection around your face. The rest of your body is still exposed.
Hand washing is also very crucial at this time. Frequently scrub your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds. If you feel your hands are drying out from washing your hands so many times daily, don’t worry. Workman’s Friend has the solution for those dry, cracked hands.
As you struggle to fight off the flu with constant hand washings, you face another dilemma, dry and cracked skin. Soaps, especially alcohol-based hand cleaners, dry out your skin, leaving them craving moisture. What if there was a way to protect your skin and keep it moisturized even during frequent hand washings? Well, you can! Coat your hands with Workman’s Friend Barrier Skin Cream to form a protective layer around your skin and re-apply every four hours. The barrier protection will moisturize your hands from beneath the protective layer. The barrier protection will shield you hand from harmful chemicals, dirt and grime. The barrier protection binds to your live skins cells and will only be removed when your skin cells die and shed every four hours. In the meantime, your skin is moisturizing from the inside and healing your dry and cracked skin. Workman’s Friend Barrier Skin Cream is the perfect combatant for over-washed hands. PURCHASE HERE.
Another option for over washed hands is Workman’s Friend Healing Hand Cream. Add this hand cream to your daily regimen for healthy, stored hands. An application in the morning and again before bedtime will help your skin survive those frequent hand washings unscathed. Workman’s Friend Healing Hand Cream will moisturize and heal your dry, cracked, and damaged skin. When used over time, your skin will return to its once healthy appearance. PURCHASE HERE.
Sometimes you just need a hand cleaner that revitalizes your skin. Try Workman’s Friend Hand Cleaner with Activated Charcoal to get a deep clean and feel fresh afterwards. The activated charcoal cleans deep into your skin, detoxing away the bad elements that hard-working hands pick up on an active day. Unlike other hand cleaners, Workman’s Friend Hand Cleaner with Activated Charcoal hydrates your skin as it cleans, leaving them feeling alive and fresh while other hand cleaners leave your hands feeling dry. PURCHASE HERE.