Essential Tips for a Safe Backyard

With millions of vacations being spent at home this summer, it is very important your backyard is as safe as possible. Plus, no one wants to go to the emergency room during a pandemic. Workman’s Friend has assembled a list of safety tips for your backyard so that your “stay-cation” can be enjoyed to its fullest.


Before firing up that grill, take a good look around. Make sure you are setting up in a “kid-friendly” spot. If you are in a high-traffic area for kids and pets, locate a safer spot. Also, make sure you are away from any structures in case of a grease fire.


Never leave your gardening tools out after working in your flower beds. Kids can get hurt easily and the tools can be used as entry devices by burglars. When you are using these tools, always keep the blade side down and spikes pointing downward. 


A lot of people are spending their “Stay-cation” painting their houses. When painting you exterior, be sure and lock up your ladder when finished. Burglars can use the ladders to gain entry to your house if left out… plus it is just bad luck should you walk underneath one… lol.

Be sure and check your patio furniture before chilling during the summer evenings. If your furniture is old, make sure it is structurally sound. The sun and outdoor elements will age your furniture quickly. Inspect all the furniture well before taking a seat.

Inspect all play areas well. Just as with your patio furniture, the outdoor elements will age the playground equipment quickly. Before the little ones start climbing all over the playground, make sure the structure is sound and that any swings and slides are safe and sound.

Your home is your castle. Treat is as such using the care and attention it deserves. As with your own health, upkeep is key to longevity. At Workman’s Friend, we offer a variety of skin care products to give your skin the attention and care it deserves.

As you struggle to fight off the pandemic with constant hand washings, you face another dilemma, dry and cracked skin. Soaps, especially alcohol-based hand cleaners, dry out your skin, leaving them craving moisture. What if there was a way to protect your skin and keep it moisturized even during frequent hand washings? Well, you can! Coat your hands with Workman’s Friend Barrier Skin Cream to form a protective layer around your skin and re-apply every four hours. The barrier protection will moisturize your hands from beneath the protective layer. The barrier protection will shield you hand from harmful chemicals, dirt and grime. The barrier protection binds to your live skins cells and will only be removed when your skin cells die and shed every four hours. In the meantime, your skin is moisturizing from the inside and healing your dry and cracked skin. Workman’s Friend Barrier Skin Cream is the perfect combatant for over-washed hands. PURCHASE HERE.

Another option for over washed hands is Workman’s Friend Healing Hand Cream. Add this hand cream to your daily regimen for healthy, stored hands. An application in the morning and again before bedtime will help your skin survive those frequent hand washings unscathed. Workman’s Friend Healing Hand Cream will moisturize and heal your dry, cracked, and damaged skin. When used over time, your skin will return to its once healthy appearance. PURCHASE HERE.

Sometimes you just need a hand cleaner that revitalizes your skin. Try Workman’s Friend Hand Cleaner with Activated Charcoal to get a deep clean and feel fresh afterwards. The activated charcoal cleans deep into your skin, detoxing away the bad elements that hard-working hands pick up on an active day. Unlike other hand cleaners, Workman’s Friend Hand Cleaner with Activated Charcoal hydrates your skin as it cleans, leaving them feeling alive and fresh while other hand cleaners leave your hands feeling dry. PURCHASE HERE.

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