Finger Tips: How Guitarists Can Keep Their Hands Protected

Picking, sliding, and double stops, if you know what we’re talking about then you’re certainly an experienced guitar player. Whether it’s electric or classical, the ability to make music with this instrument requires tremendous talent, patience, and above all else practice. If you’re someone who’s considering picking up one of these stringed instruments you’ve got a long road of learning ahead of you. Let Workman’s Friend Barrier Skin Cream provide you with your first lesson: apply a thin layer of our cream before you strum one string. Our cream will go a long way to protecting your hands from the blisters and callouses you’ll most certainly develop as you begin your musical journey.

Learn your guitar’s anatomy  

Just as you would take the time to understand the parts of your vehicle before you learn to drive, the same should be done with your guitar.  From the bridge to the headstock taking the time to know the anatomy of your instrument is critical prior to taking any type of lesson. Remember the parts of an electrical versus acoustic guitar are different, so make sure you’re studying the correct one.

Holding your guitar

This may seem a bit simplistic. But knowing how to hold your guitar properly will ensure you get the best possible sound out of the instrument. If you’re right handed, this means positioning your left hand on the neck and your right hand over the sound hole. If you’re left handed then do just the opposite. Flip the guitar over and position your right hand on the neck and your left over the sound hole.

And remember, before you do any strumming make sure to apply a thin layer of Workman’s Friend Skin Barrier Cream to your hands. This will make it practically painless to strum for hours and hours and hours on end.

Tuning your guitar

Nothing can put a quicker stop to a guitar jamming session or lesson faster than an instrument that is out of tune. Before the advent of smart phones, most players would purchase a guitar tuner. Though this device is definitely still a smart purchase, there are many different aps available on your phone or tablet that will quickly and painlessly help you tune your instrument.

Don’t forget to apply a layer of Workman’s Friend Skin Barrier Cream before you start tuning your guitar. Its non-greasy formulation means your fingers won’t slip all over the strings as you adjust them.

Reading music

Reading guitar music isn’t as difficult as learning to read traditional sheet music. We’re talking about understanding tabs and chords. What you’re looking at is a literal diagram of exactly what strings to press and with which fingers. This is a far simpler approach to being able to play music and something you’ll probably quicker.

Playing Open Chords

Once you’ve applied your Workman’s Friend skin barrier cream, you should learn the easiest playing technic: playing open chords. These are sounds produced by your guitar that don’t have all strings pressed down. Experts suggest starting with a basic note such as, G. Strum your guitar and make sure you hear a clear chord. Once you’ve become proficient then move on to another open chord. Then practice transitioning between the two chords. Slowly you’re building a repertoire of chords and learning to move seamlessly between them.

Strum in Rhythm

You’ve mastered playing a variety of open chords and your confidence with the guitar is slowly building. That is for until someone for example asks to accompany you either on the piano or drums. It’s during this jam session that you realize you can’t play in a regular rhythm.

At this stage, you’re going to need to buy a metronome which is a device that marks time at a preselected rate by giving regular ticks. This will allow you to slowly practice your strumming (either in one or transitioning between two chords) according to the beats provided by the metronome. Once you’re able to master that skill you’ll be able to accompany another musician.

As always, remember to apply a thin layer of Workman’s Friend Skin Barrier Cream before you try strumming in rhythm. This type of guitar playing technic will more than likely require a great deal of practice (i.e. use of your fingertips). You’ll be grateful that your fingers are protected while you’re strumming away.

Play a song  

When you’ve arrived at the stage where you’re attempting to play a full length song, then you know you’re starting to master the guitar. Learning to play any musical instrument is a lifelong process. The beauty of mastering the guitar is that it will provide you with tremendous joy and for those listening to your music (hopefully). Until then, keep strumming.


Workman’s Friend Barrier Skin Cream is light-weight and odorless product. A simple application of our non-greasy, formula means your hands will be moisturized and protected from common irritants.

Advice Guitarist Hands

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