4 Easy DIY Home Maintenance Tips

Do you consider yourself a "handy" man? If a faucet is leaking, do you call a plumber? When the sound of the wind howling through your window is louder than the T.V., do you just turn up the volume on the television?

For every problem in your home there is a professional who can resolve your issue. But what if there was a way for you to repair some of these problems? What if you can becomeAt Workman’s Friend, we understand that home repairs can be intimidating to beginners. What if I end up doing more damage? Or what if I get ridiculed for even trying? Don’t worry we’ve already asked ourselves these questions before. The answer is simple: you never know until you try. So why not take that first step? We’ve assembled a list of some of the simplest do-it-yourself (DIY) home maintenance tips available. The only thing, you have left to do is try.

Drip… drip… drip...

You hear it at night coming from your bathroom, the incessant sound of dripping water. The main reason for leaky faucets is worn out washers. These rubber pieces can be found inside the faucet handles and with regular use usually wear out quite quickly. The easiest way to replace them is by turning off the main water supply. Then unscrew the leaky handle that controls the flow of water to the spout. Remove the old washer and replace it with a new one.  Once done, there is no more dripping to keep you up at night.

Air Filters

Something that is often overlooked is a home’s air filters. It’s important to change them every 30 days especially during peak months. That means in the heat of summer when the air conditioning is blasting or in the dead of winter when the furnace is operating non-stop. Professionals suggest using the cheap fiberglass filters instead of the more expensive HEPA filters. Changing the pricier ones isn’t cost effective and the fiberglass ones allow more air to flow through them. In turn, that reduces the amount of energy needed to efficiently cool or heat your home.

Rain Gutters

Rain gutters are more than decoration on the side of your house. These metal troughs act as a barrier protecting the siding and foundation of your home from Mother Nature. They are designed to capture the water and debris that runoff from your roof and divert it away from your foundation and the sides of your house. For this reason, clean your gutters at least once a year by physically removing the leaves, rocks and debris that you find in them. You can use a garden hose to help loosen and move the debris into your drain pipes.

Drafty Windows

One of the most common areas of the house that need regular repair and maintenance are the windows. If your heating or cooling bills are high a major culprit might be your drafty windows. On a regular basis check the caulking that holds the window in place. If it is dry and cracking scrape it off and reapply it. This is an easy way to reduce the amount of energy loss from your windows.

If you don’t think of yourself as a handy person then the idea of doing repairs on your home can be intimidating and overwhelming. It’s important to remember that before you begin any sort of repair or replacement, make you’re wearing the proper protective gear and you’ve got the correct tools. As you start doing more of the maintenance on your home, understand that you will make mistakes and that it’s okay to ask for help. The most important thing to remember is that you’re trying something new and helping to ensure a long and healthy life for your home.


Before you tackle any DIY project, be sure you’ve prepped your hands with Workman’s Friend Barrier Skin Cream. Acting like an invisible shield around your hand, our barrier cream is strong enough to protect your skin from harmful skin irritants like harsh chemicals and even poison ivy. The barrier protection will also make clean-up quick and easy. Workman’s Friend Barrier Skin Cream holds in your body’s natural moisture as it shields dirt, grime, plant oils and any chemicals you may come into contact with. Workman’s Friend Barrier Skin Cream will keep your hands hydrate. Over time, daily use will heal your hands, making them look younger and healthier.

Maintaining healthy skin after a day’s hard-working activities using Workman’s Friend Healing Hand Cream should be a daily regimen. An application in the morning and again before bedtime will help your skin survive unscathed. Workman’s Friend Healing Hand Cream will moisturize and heal your damaged skin. When used over time, your skin will return to its healthy appearance.

Sometimes you just need a soap with a little extra elbow grease, right? Try Workman’s Friend Hand Cleaner with Activated Charcoal to get rid of that grease or grime. The activated charcoal cleans deep into your skin, detoxing away the bad elements that hard-working hands pick up on an active day.

Try all of our products. We offer a 3-Pack Workman’s Friend Skin Care Bundle. You will receive a 3.38 oz. tube of Workman’s Friend Barrier Skin Cream, a 2.5 oz. jar of Workman’s Friend Healing Hand Cream, and an 8 oz. bottle of our Workman’s Friend Hand Cleaner with Activated Charcoal.

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