Is it Time to Repaint your Home?

Have you ever had a professional painter stop by your house, knock on your front door and tell you the exterior urgently needs painting? They may have even provided you with a quote and their business card without you even asking for it. They insist that your home is in dire need of a new coat or it will suffer irreparable damage? Are they telling the truth? You don’t know. Some of us at Workman’s Friend have been a victim of these types of aggressive sales tactics. We’ve signed painting contracts on the spot without giving it a second thought. Like many others we were concerned without a new coating the exterior of our home would be permanently damaged. But there is a simpler and gentler way to do this by looking at what your house is trying to tell you. It’s written there on the walls-literally, the exterior walls.

Related: 3 Simple Autumn Painting Tips for Your Home

You may be wondering what painting the outside of your home has to do with our barrier skin cream. No, an application of our cream won’t make those aggressive sales people leave you alone nor will it help you paint your home yourself. But what it will do is make the clean-up process after you’ve painted go a lot quicker and smoother if you apply a layer of our cream to your skin before you get to work. So before you rush to sign any painting contract or head to your local paint store learn the telling signs that your house needs to be repainted.

Fading Paint

Have you ever noticed that the paint on some areas of your home is a different color than others? This is called sun bleaching and you will most like see it on the southern and western sides of your home, the areas that get the most sun. This is a sure sign that you need to freshen up the paint on those sides. Remember that darker paint colors tend to fade faster than lighter ones.  

However, if you start to notice the paint fading on the shadier sides of your home that might indicate another type of problem related to your home’s exterior vapor barrier.  If the paint comes off when you pass your fingers over it, then you’ve got a problem. Keep your eyes open for strange water stains running down the exterior walls. If you can’t pinpoint where the water is coming from, call an expert before putting any paint to brush.

Peeling Paint

If you start to notice the exterior paint is peeling or flaking off that is a definitive indication that your home is long overdue for a paint job. Peeling paint can be found on all parts of the home. Usually the first areas to peel are where your home gets the most moisture. This can include the window sills, the trim on the bottom of the garage and its door, or other places that snow or rain might sit. Once the paint has peeled or flaked off, the wood is completely exposed and will absorb water and moisture more quickly. The solution is to scrape the loose paint off, sand down the area to create a smooth texture, apply a coat of primer and then your paint. Oh, and don’t forget to put a dime-size portion of our barrier skin cream before you start any of that work. It will protect your hands from any irritants in the paint and will make getting your hands clean that much easier.

Cracking, Bubbling or Flaking Paint

Any of these signs often signal dry rot, wet rot or mold all caused by failed weatherproofing. Factors including strong sunlight, harsh winters, extreme humidity, storms, blowing sand and ocean breezes can contribute to the damage. Cracking, bubbling and flaking paint are most often found around door and window frames or anywhere else your home’s siding meets the trim. If you notice any of these symptoms, you can be sure the water has gotten behind the boards and rotted them from the inside out.  

A Worthwhile Job

Painting your home by yourself can be an inconvenience and very time-consuming job. But what you must keep in mind is that this short-term pain is really an excellent investment that extends the life and improves the aesthetic appeal of your home. Paint really is your home’s first defense against the elements. It is also the first impression guests and potential buyers receive. So before you decide your home needs an exterior paint job consider the signs we’ve explained and then proceed. Of course, don’t forget to apply a layer of Workman’s Friend Barrier Skin Cream before you get out your rollers. Once that is done start painting.


Workman’s Friend Barrier Skin Cream is light-weight and odorless product. Apply a dime-sized portion of our non-greasy, formula on each hand. Then rub them together to ensure the cream has been properly absorbed.
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