National Arthritis Awareness Month

It affects an estimated 52.5 million adults in the United States. It is the leading cause of disability in this country. But still many Americans are unaware of what causes this autoimmune disease and the best ways to treat it. That’s why May is National Arthritis Awareness Month. Though Workman’s Friend Barrier Skin Cream doesn’t help with the symptoms of arthritis, our goal is to raise awareness about it. The hope is that by dedicating a whole month to it more people will learn the facts about arthritis and help us dispel the myths.

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What is arthritis?

Arthritis is not a single disease. The word is an umbrella term used to describe joint pain or disease. There are more than 100 different types including some of the following: rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, psoriatic, fibromyalgia, gout and spondyloarthritis. The most common arthritis symptoms include pain, swelling, and stiffness in the joints. A limited range of motion is also associated with the disease. A person can have anywhere from mild, moderate, or severe arthritis. For some sufferers the pain remains the same. While for others the pain becomes increasingly severe over time. Often people with arthritis have swollen finger joints, knees, and toes. But for others there are no external indications that they’ve got the autoimmune disease.

What causes arthritis?

Doctors have great difficulty pointing to an exact cause of the disease because there are so many different types of arthritis. Conditions such as impact injuries, autoimmune disorders, excessive physical activity, genetic predispositions and obesity can all lead to arthritis.

Myth #1-Arthritis only affects older people

Unfortunately arthritis does not discriminate. That means almost 300,000 children in this country are living with some form of juvenile arthritis. The most common type is osteoarthritis which is primarily found in older adults. It is due to the wear and tear on the body’s joints over time. Many professional athletes find themselves with arthritis much earlier than their counterparts. This is often explained by the fact that they’ve been really touch on their joints through their sports careers.

Myth#2-You should avoid exercise

Many people faced with a diagnosis of arthritis believe they should stop exercising altogether. The thought is that any kind of movement will do further damage to their joints. The truth is just the opposite. Studies show people who exercise especially those that suffer from rheumatoid arthritis have fewer aches and pains. Scientists have discovered that through exercise patients develop muscle which then alleviates some of the pressure on the joints which is causing the pain. Now when doctors suggest arthritis sufferers continue to exercise, they don’t mean training for a marathon. A walk or a swim, are excellent forms of exercise.

Myth #3-There is nothing you can do about arthritis

If you’ve been diagnosed with arthritis there’s absolutely nothing you can do about alleviating your worsening symptoms. On the contrary, there are medications and treatments available for all the different types of arthritis. The medical advances being made to treat the different types of this autoimmune disease are growing by the year. Though there is no cure for arthritis the range of treatments can include over the counter pain relievers, to physiotherapy or yoga. It’s important that you consult with your doctor and explore your options.

One Final Myth

Diagnosis and treatment for arthritis begins when a patient consults with their primary care physician. If you or someone you know has been complaining about sore and tired muscles, inflammation, or general body pain make an appointment to see a doctor. Catching arthritis early can make a huge difference in successfully treating the symptoms in the long term. At Workman’s Friend Barrier Skin Cream our focus is more than simply taking care of your hands. We believe in taking care of the entire body. That’s why we support National Arthritis Awareness Month.


Workman’s Friend Barrier Skin Cream is light-weight and odorless product. Apply a dime-sized portion of our non-greasy, formula on each hand. Then rub them together to ensure the cream has been properly absorbed.



Advice Arthritis Awareness healthcare

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