5 Most Important Tips for At-Home Manicures

Perhaps you’re short on time or looking to save a little bit of money. Whatever your reason, giving yourself an at-home manicure can not only produce salon-worthy results but it can also be fun. All you need is to plan ahead and the right equipment. Though we at Workman’s Friend weren’t too familiar with at-home manicures, we learned a lot while researching this article. As a result we feel confident enough to give ourselves our own hand treatments. So read on and learn how it’s done.

Trim your Nails

This is the most important step: trim your nails. Whether you like them short or a little bit long make sure they’re at the length you want before doing anything else to them. Once your nails are shortened using a clipper, it’s time to file them. That means rounding the edges of each finger nail and making sure there aren’t any jagged ends. Using an emery board to buff the tops and sides of your nails ensuring a smooth surface that will ensure your polish will go on smoothly.

Remove Polish and Push Back Cuticles

If you’ve got chipped nail polish on your fingers from the last manicure, now’s the time to remove it. Soak each hand in a bowl of polish remover and by using cotton swabs gently rub the hard-to-remove color off of your nails. Once they’re back to their natural state apply a thin layer of Workman’s Friend Skin Barrier Hand Cream. An application of this cream will not only moisturize your hands but it will also soften your cuticles (the skin around your nails). Then with a cuticle stick gently push back the now softened skin around each finger nail. Remember the cuticle acts as a barrier protecting your nail from bacteria. So it’s important not to cut this skin as that could lead to an infection.

Exfoliate your Hands

Using either a store-bought or homemade scrub exfoliate your fingers, hands and forearms. This eliminates dead skin cells and restores moisture. Don’t forget to clean under your nails using a brush specifically designed for them. Then if you feel your hands could use a little more hydration feel free to add a second layer of Workman’s Friend Skin Barrier Cream.

Apply the Coats

Begin by applying the translucent base coat to all of your finger nails. This initial layer of polish will ensure your color goes on smoothly. Wait a few minutes and then apply the first coat of colored nail polish. Then after approximately another ten minutes, apply your second coat of color. Again, you guessed it wait another ten minutes to apply a fourth and final coat known as the top coat. This prevents chipping and ensures your color lasts a long time.

Ready to Go

There you have it. You’ve got salon quality nails at half the price. The beauty (pardon the pun) about being able to give yourself manicures is that you never have to wait for a salon appointment again. Not only will you be saving money but you’ll be saving valuable time. So enjoy the fruits of your labor and your newly colored nails!


Workman’s Friend Barrier Skin Cream is light-weight and odorless perfect for at-home manicures. A simple application of our non-greasy, formula means your hands will be moisturized and your nails will look professionally done.
Advice home maintenance Manicures

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