How to Clean Greasy Hands using Home Remedies

Whether you’re working on your car, painting your living room or cleaning out the garage, you should be proud of your greasy hands. They’re a badge of honor. They tell others that you’ve worked hard, had fun and at the end of the day accomplished something. But when a simple bar of soap and water don’t do the trick and remove all the oil and dirt what do you do? There’s got to be a better solution than spending an hour at the bathroom sink scrubbing your hands raw with a nail brush.

At Workman’s Friend we are experts in clean hands. We’ve spent hours, days and weeks researching how to get your hands clean after a variety of activities. Along the way, we’ve noticed a few home remedies that many people swear make their hands grease-free without drying or cracking them. It starts with an application of our Workman’s Friend Skin Barrier Cream and then it goes from there. Always apply a layer of Workman’s Friend Skin Barrier Cream to your hands before tackling a greasy job and the grease will wipe right off. Here are some hope remedies to try as well…


Related: Hand Washing or Hand Sanitizer: Which is better?


A Spoonful of Sugar

A tablespoon of a rough crystalized sugar added to some water and mixed into a paste will remove the grease from your hands. Before you rinse the sugar mixture off use a pumice stone to buff your palms; or you can use an old toothbrush and scrub your fingers and nails. Either way, the extra scrubbing will help the sugar mixture do its job and eat-away at that grease, then follow-up with soap and water.

Fight Oil with Oil

It may seem like a strange idea, but you can remove the grease from your hands using another kind of oil. Baby or olive oil, are gentle enough on the skin while being equally effective at removing the grease from your hands. Start with a dime-sized dollop of the oil and rub it briskly over your hands, palms, knuckles and in between your fingers. Wait a few minutes and then rinse, follow-up with a good lathering of soap and water. If your hands still feel greasy try another drop of oil and repeat the process.


Wd-40 is a commercial oil-based lubricant with a long list of uses including loosening tight screws or bolts, unsticking zippers and silencing noisy door hinges. But this 65-year old product is also very good at removing the grease from your hands. Simply spray the solution into your palms and rub them together. Wait a few minutes and using paper towel remove the lubricant from your hands. Then you can follow-up with soap and water.

One Final Wipe

Of course, if you applied Workman’s Friend Skin Barrier Cream, that grease is not sticking for long anyway. The grease just wipes away because the protective coating you applied is not allowing the grease to bond to your skin. Applying a fresh coat of Workman’s Friend Skin Barrier Cream

So, whether your greasy hands are the result of tuning-up your bike, fixing your car or painting your bathroom, greasy hands can be a menace. The examples above are just a few of the hundreds of homemade remedies available nowadays. The most important thing is though having greasy hands can be a nuisance remember the fun you had getting them dirty. Plus, a simple application of our Workman’s Friend Skin Barrier Cream before you start any project and a deep clean afterwards with Workman’s Friend Hand Cleaner with Activated Charcoal makes the clean-up easier.


Workman’s Friend Barrier Skin Cream is a light-weight and odorless hand cream perfect for anyone who likes to get their hands greasy. A simple application of our moisturizing, non-greasy formula means you can get your hands as dirty as you want without harming your skin.

Workman’s Friend Hand Cleaner with Activated Charcoal is a deep cleaning, detoxifying hand cleaner with activated charcoal which removes toxins and odors from your dirty hands leaving your skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated after a long day of hard work or diligent activities.

Workman's Friend offers skin care products after a hard day at work or after a full day of fun activities.

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