Last Month’s Showers Will Bring May Flowers!

The month of May is the peak season for planting flowers around homes across America. The weather is perfect and the ground is primed and ready. Unfortunately, many people jump into gardening too quickly and end up with a mess a month or so later. Before you begin your gardening adventure, Workman’s Friend would like to give you a few tips that will enhance your gardening experience.

RELATED: Customer Experience: Gardening Digest Summer 2019


Before you run out to the nursery to purchase your plants, take the time to prepare the gardening beds. Clean out the area where you would like to add new plants, removing all of the weeds and debris. Once the area has been cleaned up, you may look and notice that you have more room for flowers than you thought! The quicker you get the plants into the ground, the better they will respond to the transplant. If you get home with your new plants and leave them out in the sun for four or five hours while you clean out your flower beds, the plants will begin to stress. A little work beforehand will help insure healthy plants are growing in your yard throughout the Summer.


Your local nursery loves bringing in plants you’ve never seen before. Everyone wants their yard to look different than their neighbors, so the nurseries will bring in some beautiful flowers knowing two things about what they are selling. First, the nursery knows people will buy these plants out because originality sells. Secondly, the nursery knows most people never check to see if the plants they purchase can actually survive in the local climate. Always check the label on your plant. The label will tell you which regions of the country the plant will thrive in. Sometimes there is a reason you have never seen that unique plant before… it is because it cannot survive in your area’s climate.


The hole for your plant should be twice as wide as the original pot. You must allow room for the roots to grow within. Once the plant has been placed in the hole, do not fill the open area with the same dirt you dug out from the hole. Instead, use gardening soil from the nursery. Before digging a hole, always check to make sure there are no pipes running underground.


Again, read the label on your plant. Never plant anything requiring full sun in a shady area. The lack of sun will keep the plant from blooming. If a plant requires full shade and you plant it out in the hot sun, your plant will wither away in weeks. Be mindful of how your yard receives sun and shade throughout the day. Shaded areas change as the sun rises and sets each day.


The real key to gardening is to just have fun. Gardening is one of the best ways to relieve stress. It is also a great way to get out of the house for some fresh air. Make a weekend out of it and grill some burgers outside for lunch.


Gardening is a dirty job. Plant oils are a real pain, literally, as they can break out your skin upon contact. Before you tackle your garden, BARRIER UP! Apply a coating of Workman’s Friend Barrier Skin Cream to your hands for an invisible layer of protection which will shield you from the stains of grass and dirty while guarding you against nasty skin irritants such as plant oils and poison ivy.

Apply every four hours for ultimate protection. Workman’s Friend binds to your skin cells for create this superior layer of protection. Every four hours, your skin cells fall off and reapplication is required. Work for 4 hours and take a lunch break. After lunch, re-apply a layer of Workman’s Friend Barrier Skin Cream and get back to work. 

Try all of our products. We offer a 3-Pack Workman’s Friend Skin Care Bundle. You will receive a 3.38 oz. tube of Workman’s Friend Barrier Skin Cream, a 2.5 oz. jar of Workman’s Friend Healing Hand Cream, and an 8 oz. bottle of our Workman’s Friend Hand Cleaner with Activated Charcoal.



#gardenlovers #nursery #gardening #diy #greenthumb #skincare

gardening home maintenance Planting Flowers skin moisturizer

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