Labor Day 2019

For many of us Labor Day signifies the end of summer. Traditionally occurring on the first Monday in September, this national holiday is the last long weekend until Thanksgiving in November. At Workman’s Friend, like most Americans, we celebrate this day with barbecues, fireworks, and parades. Labor Day also marks the official farewell to summer and the start of autumn and a return to school. But, the original reason for Labor Day was to celebrate the American worker and their contributions to the economy. Workman’s Friend Barrier Skin Cream was created with these hard working men and women in mind. Our formulation was designed to protect their hands while allowing them to get the job done.

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At the height of the Industrial Revolution in the 1800s, Americans were working upwards of 12 hours seven days a week. Even children as young as five or six were also working full days everyone in squalid and dangerous conditions. As a result, labor unions started organizing demonstrations and strikes to protest these horrible working conditions. They also forced companies to improve working conditions including pay, safety, and hours of work per day.

It was in 1882, when 10,000 workers in New York took unpaid time off to march at City Hall. They were demanding improved pay and working conditions. This is when corporations and the government started to take real notice of this problem. It wasn’t long after that the first Labor Day was officially celebrated on September 5th 1882.

Full-time Laborers

A laborer is someone who works with their hands and is also known as manual laborer. This type of employment is especially common in the construction and factory industries. The men and women who work in the construction industry perform tasks such as road paving, building tunnels, commercial buildings, railway tracks and homes. These people work with a variety of equipment such as blasting, power, hand, and air tools. They also work with both small and heavy pieces of equipment such as pavers or diggers.

Factory workers include employees at assembly plants building cars and fabricators of everything from furniture to air conditioning units.

Regardless of where these men and women work safety is always paramount. Laborers must wear a variety of different protective equipment specific to their job. At Workman’s Friend many of our loyal customers are dedicated laborers. They work long hours and their bodies including their hands take a beating due to the products they use and the physical demands of their job. That’s why we created our cream to hydrate and protect the hands of these diligent men and women. Not to mention our cream makes cleaning up after a long day of work that much easier. All they need to do is rinse and wipe. The grime, dirt and dust of the day is gone from their hands.

Weekend Laborer

If you work on a computer in an office from Monday to Friday, then you’re not considered a laborer. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy working with your hands and performing manual tasks. At Workman’s Friend we have a large portion of customers who are weekend laborers. They love working on their cars, painting the inside of their homes, and even building pieces of furniture. These men and women might spend their week sitting behind a desk, but by the weekend they can be found in their workshop or out in the yard using their hands. This is another reason why we created Workman’s Friend Barrier Skin Cream. A simple application of our formula is all the weekend laborer needs to hydrate their hands and protect them from the harsh chemicals and products they use to complete their projects.

The American Worker

Whether you’re a full-time laborer who’s nearing the end of their career, or a young professional just discovering the joys of household projects on the weekends, we salute you. Workman’s Friend Barrier Skin Cream was created for every laborer full-time or otherwise who uses their hands to create and build. Happy Labor Day!

Advice Labor Day 2019

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